Handover / Awards Dinner

The Handover/Awards Dinner which is held at the end of every Lionistic Year was held at the Palace Hotel on Tuesday June 28th, 2016.


Outgoing President Lion Chris Borg Cardona presented awards to deserving Lions who merited them, amongst whom were Lion Secretary Alex Arena, Lion Treasurer Carmelo Azzopardi, Lion Vivienne Zammit who is the Membership Chairperson. Lion Margaret Frendo who organises the monthly cultural tours and Lion Isabell Micallef who books restaurants for lunch after the tour.
A new member namely Victoria Muscat was presented with the Lions badge. She will be formally inducted later on during Charter Night as is the custom with our Club.
During the evening International President Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Lions Lorna Farrugia, George O. Attard and Louis Sciberras. These certificates were presented on behalf of the International President by the Zone Chairman Lion Tom A. Restall.
Before the convivial occasion came to a close Lion Chris Borg Cardona handed over the chain of office to the incoming President Lion John Rusher. In a short speech Lion John said that he is looking forward to being President of Lions Club Sliema and hoped that his year will be a successful one.




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