Talk: A Brief History of ‘Madness’.

Wednesday , 16th March 2022 – 7.00 pm –  The Imperial

Man has been ‘mad’ ever since there was man! To this day, one of our greatest fears is that someday we will lose our mind. This short introductory talk will trace the journey of mental illness from antiquity to the present day. Rather than concentrate solely on clinical developments it will also highlight how moral enlightenment, art, literature and war have all played their respective roles charting man’s fight for sanity.


A brief history of madness

Martin F Ward

Martin’s entire career has been spent working in mental health, as a practitioner, teacher, writer, researcher, politician and manager. He has held advisory posts for the European Union Commission and World health Organisation and was President of the European Association of Psychiatric Nursing. He retired as Head of the Department of Mental Health at the University of Malta in 2015. 

Currently he is a Visiting Senior Lecturer at both the Universities of Malta and the European University of Cyprus; Visiting Fellow at Kingston and St George’s University London, Honorary Associate Professor University of Southern Indiana, USA and Mental Health Advisor to the government of the Czech Republic.

Having lived in Malta since 2000 he now spends his time working for a children’s charity and as a writer. 


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Wine Tasting – Meridiana Wine Estate

Wine tasting was held on a visit to the Meridiana Wine Estate, Ta’ Qali, on Friday, the 18th February 2022.

Expert Karl Chetcuti shared his knowledge on the science of wine and wine making.

Lion members and their guests could later savor this premium wine whilst enjoying good company.

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Talk: The Beginning of the End of the British Empire, 1919 – 1921

Wednesday, 16.02.2022 – 7.00pm – The Imperial

Two critical events took place in Malta in the first quarter of the 20th century; the 1919 Sette Giugno riots and the granting of the 1921 self-government constitution. These events, however, did not take place in isolation. This talk places these events within their international context, within a British Empire which was, paradoxically at its peak but also at its weakest. The empire was being challenged from within and externally by new political movements and ideologies. This period provides us with a good understanding of what took place in the second-half of the 20th century.



André P DeBattista is a political scientist and occasional columnist. He is an Assistant Lecturer at the Institute for European Studies at the University of Malta, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, Brussels. He is the author of several scholarly papers and press commentaries covering the themes of politics, small-states, international relations and the dynamics of religion and public life.

The Beginning of the End of the British 16.02.2022


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